Vessel Documentation Search

You can perform a vessel documentation search at our website in an easy, safe way. Our website is SSL encrypted so all documentation information is secured from theft or hacking. The maritime documentation center has a database search that is designed to be a resource available for everyone. You just need to enter the HIN and the official number of the vessel you want to search and obtain its information right away.

This vessel documentation search system provides users with the information available at the National Vessel Documentation Center in regards to the vessel they’re looking for. This is a great benefit for those who are interested in acquiring a used vessel in particular. Why is that? Because they can obtain valuable information about the legal ownership, mortgages, and lien claims pending from the unit they’re interested in buying.

Things to Keep in Mind When Performing a Vessel Documentation Search

When you do your query in our system, you can add either the HIN number or the official number. You can enter the information either in capital letters or lower case. The results will match the exact terms you entered and will show on this very same page.

Another thing to note is that the data provided in this search system is subject to updates. It may also contain errors and omissions. So it’s recommended for you to take it carefully and to investigate it more thoroughly. The reason behind errors is that some vessels’ files might have been inactive for a long time; even decades. So this information, although still available, might not be accurate.

What Data Can I Obtain Here?

The data that comes from our vessel documentation search system can include:

  • Ownership information
  • Preferred mortgage filings
  • Lien claim notices
  • Supplemental data

One thing to keep in mind: when you do a vessel documentation search, it may extend beyond the vessel’s federal status. So the unit you’re looking for information can be affected by recordings on the state level or even foreign registries.

Another important thing is that the USCG makes it very clear that the vessel documentation you may find in this search shouldn’t be taken as conclusive evidence of ownership. This applies especially in cases in which the vessel has hidden claims or filing digressions.